Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Paper Representations

Channel 4: Teen Trouble: 26th November 2007

  • 'The press calls them reckless, irresponsible members of society, but statistics tell quite a different story about British teens'

  • "Crimes committed" - 12% Of Youths when adults thought it was 80%+

  • "Kids out of control" news stories raise more interest

  • News of the World provoking the situation

  • Paranoid Adults

  • Using a high pitch frequency to keep teenagers away from shops

  • Generation Asbo

  • Discriminating and Degrading

  • Press used to pay 'Mods' to throw stones at people to start a news story

  • Jamie Bulger case - Caused a change in the views of children from adults - Crime age changed From 14 to 10 - More CCTV - ASBO's

  • Crimes of a minority are being used to demonise a whole class of people

The Hypodermic Syringe Theory - The media injects the information because of the proliferation of negative press
Can also link in the cultivation theory as it cultivates the adults mind and the more likely you are to see it on the media, the more likely you are to believe that it is happening in everyday life.
De-sensitisation theory - the more violence we we see in the media, the less likely we are to be upset by what we see. Because youth are demonised, they are then becoming self fulfilling prophesies.

Representing Youth

IPSOS MORI Survery 2005:

  • 40% of articles focus on violence, crime anti-social behviour; 71% are negative

Brunel University:

  • TV New: Violent crime or celebrities; young people are only 1% of sources

Women in Journalism:

  • 72% of articles were negative; 3.4% positive

  • 75% about crime, drugs, police

  • Boys: yobs, thugs, sick, feral, hoodies, louts, scum

  • Only positives stories are about boys who died young

Case Study

What role did new media technologies, particulary social networking sites play in the London riots?

Do media cause riots or revolutions?

Technology and Surveillance: mobile phones, CCTV, 24 hour news

Guardian Article http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/sep/08/broken-britain-rhetoric-fuels-fear

How can you link cultural hegemony to this article?

The upper class seem to be looking down upon everyone else, as if everyone is the same 'trouble making people' the upper class now also think that they out-power everyone, and have the right to group people all into the same category. It will take both middle and lower class to work together to increase the representation to the upper class, it is then just their opinion to change what they think, which will be the hardest thing to do.

How does the article suggest moral panic is being caused?

"David Cameron comment in July that he was 'terrified' by the prospect of sending his children to a local state secondary school is proof of this, said Horton"

Can you link in McRobbies Symbolic violence theory? How?

"While thousands of pupils come from low-income families and attend schools in deprived neighbourhoods, just a small number behave anti-socially or commit crimes, the report argues"

How far do you agree with this article that governments decisions and policies are continuing to create a divide between the middle and working class? Discuss

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