- Social network
- Freinds
- Photos
- Events
- Chat
- Frape
- Advertising
- Sharing Information
- Facebook Stalking
- 'Likes'
Impact of this kind of media on British youth and youth culture?
- Staying in contact with people
- Sharing photos
- Create events
- Different cultures coming together
- Good place to market yourself
- Allows people to express them self
- Cyber Bullying
- Lose social skills in real situations
What new forms of social interactions have media technologies enabled?
- Globalisation
- Sharing of information
- Development of self-identity
- Self-realisation
- Collective Intelligence
- Reshaping media messages and their flow; reshape and recirculate messages
- Increased voice
- Consumer communication with business (greater influence)
- Awareness - Band/ Skills
- Communication has become interactive dialogue
- User Generated Content (UGC)
- Self-Presentation and Self-Disclosure
- Increasing diversity within cultures
- Online media focuses on some or all of the 7 functional building blocks - identity, conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups
Online media are especially suitable to construct and develop several identities of the self (Turkle, 1998)
Two levels of representation:
- Personal events through 'own' specific language
- Constructing own images
The Modern Identity Concept:
- Personal Identity - sense of being a unique individual
- Social Identity - results from being a member of a group
- In former times: nationality, race, gender, occupation, sport club
- Mediatization of the self - diversity of interest groups in online social networks
- Easy transition between those communities
- A person is not just one stable and homogeneous identity
- Identity consists of several fragments that permanently change
- Multiple, but coherent (Turkle, 1998)
- A live-long developing and new conceptualized path work (Doring, 1999)
Media Use in Identity Construction
Katherine Hamley
Young people are surrounded by influential imagery – popular media (Examples?)
- Models
- Celebrities - Lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson
- Movies
- News
- Peers on Social Networking
- Youtube
- Music
- Skins
Young people always have influential imagery around them and its just how they interpret the images as to how it affects their personality/ identity. It can either create ideas of what the young people want to aspire to such as celebrities or models which will change there identity to be more like these people, or they can see something which they want to avoid, which may show something on the news of the amount of un-employed/ people in gangs and then when they see the reasons why these people turned out the reason they did, they may try and stay clear of this area of life.
It is no longer possible for an identity to just be constructed in a small community and influenced by a family (Discuss)
Everything in our life is now saturated by the media, so there is no chance that it is our family controls who we are as they only contribute a small part to it as we will use media more than we normally see family. Media has opened you to everything in the world, you can see what is happening anywhere rather than just in your community.
Everything concerning our life is 'media saturated' (explain what this means)
Media Saturated is the media saturating into our lives and changing how we behave and our own identity.
"Identity is complicated, everybody thinks they've got one" David Gauntlet
Religious and national identites are at the heart of major international conflicts
The average teenager can create numerous identites in a short space of time (using internet, social network sites)
We like to think we are unique and gauntlett questions whether this is an illusion, and we are all much more similar than we think
David Gauntletts 5 key Themes:
- Creativity as a process - about emotions and experiences
- Making and sharing - to feel alive, to participate, in community
- Happiness - through creativity and community
- Creativity as social glue - a middle layer between individuals& society
- Making your mark - making the world your own
Buckingham: "Identity is ambiguous and slippery"
- Shows relationship with a broader group
- Can change according to circumstances
- Identity is fluid and can be affected by broader changes
- Identity is more important to us if we feel it is threatened
Cultural Imperialism - the influence on one culture on another. e.g. the British have always been influenced by America
The Internet
'Gingers do have souls'
'Chalie bit me'
'Justin Bieber'
'Rebecca Black'
'Leave Britney alone'
'Star Wars Kid'
'Jessie J'
Meme:"a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from perosn to person via the internet"
When was Youtube first released? April 21st 2005
According to Michael Wesch what does Web 2.0 allow people to do? It links people together.
When media changes what else changes? human relationships.
How are communities connected?
What influenced the loss of community? And what has now filled this void?
Explain what he means by voyeuristic capabilities?
Write 3 points about what he refers when he discusses playing with identity
What does the ‘Free hugs phenomenon’ suggest about people? People are trying to reconnect with humanity.
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