- A group of individuals who are united through a common value system and tastes (clothes, music, politics
- A group who are positioned outside of the mainstream. and who unify as a response to the main stream
Youth Sub-Cultures:
- Emos
- Chavs
- Indie
- Scene Kids
- Hipster
- Punks
- Skin Heads
- Hoodies
- Pikey
- Skaters
- Greasers
- Plastics
- They think that they are better than everyone else, they usually are in large groups of people from the range of 10-20 and this seems the most popular category to be a 'chav'. The idea that they are better than everyone else. 'Talk the Talk' usually want to rebel but wouldn't act on it.
- Brand Names: Adidas, Umbro, Nike, Lonsdale, Kappa.
- 'Pimped-Up sports car' usually still a crap car.
What are the values of a sub-culture
- Conformity and rebellion
- Attitude to capitalism and consumerism
- 'Tribal' rivalry
- Traditional or 'neophile' (a person who loves novelty, one who likes trends; person who accepts the future enthusiastically and enjoys changes and evolution)
- Ideology in 1950's and 60's - peace, rebellion against parents, Radicalism - reactions against the post war
Many groups are involved in protest and resistance against the mainstream.
Teens will often move between sub-cultures and older youths mix& match styles/ values from a mix of sub-cultures.
- In the 21st century that 'dominant meaning systems' (what defines mainstream) are crumbling
- "There is no mainstream. There are many streams."
- Mainstream is in perpetual flux, rapaciously absorbing alternative culture at such a fast rate that the notion of a mainstream becomes obsolete.
- So if there is no mainstream then there is nothing for teens to react against
1950's Teddies
- An Anti-Establishment, some were 'Juvenile Delinquents'
- Uniform: drainpipe trousers, drape Edwardian jackets with velvet collars
- Minority in Britain but they had a huge effect
- Music - introduction of rock and roll. "Rock around the clock" "Elvis Presley"
1960's Mods
- Modernist to describe modern jazz musicians and fans
- Uniform varied and they had continuous revitalisation
- As psychedelic rock and the hippie subculture grew more popular in the UK, many people drifted away from the mod scene. Bands such as The Who and Small Faces had changed their musical styles and no longer considered themselves mods.
1960's Skinheads
- A group which was formed from working class youths
- Named for their close-cropped or shaven heads
- Originally based on music, fashion or lifestyle and not on politics or race
1970's Punks
- Emerged from USA, UK and Australia
- Sub-culture based around punk rock
- Centred around listening to recording or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock, usually shortened to punk
- Common punk viewpoints include anti-authoritarianism, a DIY ethic, non-conformity, direct action and not selling out
WW2 happened before 1950's
- Britain was entering a period of increased freedom and affluence
- Many of the old social cultural structures began to be challenged, especially by the young
What Changed? Cultural Revolution
- Rationing was ending
- American way became key to British society
- Increased availability of cheap colour magazines
- A world wide economic booms
- Labour was defeated by the conservatives. This caused increased individual freedom.
- Youth were given more freedom through commercialism of society
Americas Influence
- London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Wolverhampton all had major America influence.
- Hollywood movies, commercial TV, glossy mags and consumer goods proved an instant hit with British consumers
- To the average Briton is offered a rich and desirable future
- Cultural Imperialism - it is the practise of promoting, distinguishing, separating or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another (America Influence on Britain Post War)
- Massive increase in the production and availability of consumer goods stimulated mass consumption
- Car ownership rose by 250% between 1951 and 1961, and between 1955 and 1960 average weekly earning rose by 34%, while the cost of technological consumer items fell in real terms.
Old Representations
Fonzie Scene, The Wild Ones
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